Our engineers have made
contributions to
open source projects

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By staying at the forefront of emerging technologies with a strong focus on open-source development, we upskill your teams with a shared mindset of engineering excellence.

Why use Open Source?

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Community support

Open source technologies are supported by knowledgeable and resourceful communities. Their collective contributions result in more robust, innovative and faster solutions. Furthermore, allowing open source communities to review the code and propose improvements increases security and reliability.

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Full control

Using open source technology means transparency and access to the code, which allows faster bug fixes and custom feature development. Clients are no longer dependent on tech vendors and gain full control over the code base.

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Attract talent

Opening up the code base is a channel engage with exceptional engineers in the community. It also allows in-house talent to showcase their individual contributions, giving visibility to both the team and to the company.

Clients we helped with open source

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Open deliverables

YLD clients are fully in control of how their software is developed - whether is proprietary, open source or a mix of both. Proprietary deliverables are critical, specific to the business and are generally unavailable to the public. Open deliverables are abstract - not business specific - and are accessible to the community.

By choosing to open up appropriate parts of the code, YLD clients can harness the vast resources of the open source community and contribute back to it, facilitating rapid, mutually beneficial innovation.

Have a look at the open deliverables from some of our clients

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We pride ourselves of being avid open source contributors. Do you think you can improve our code? Just go ahead.


2 Contributions

83162 Stars


20 Contributions

11047 Stars


1 Contributions

39990 Stars


422 Contributions

35137 Stars


17 Contributions

4860 Stars


5 Contributions

4548 Stars

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Upcoming Open Source events

We’re dedicated to building a community and provide a space for great minds to come together.

Our technology partnerships

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Kubernetes Certified Service Provider

YLD is a vetted Kubernetes service provider and has CNCF trained software engineers with deep experience helping enterprises successfully adopt Kubernetes.

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Silver member

We are members of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, whose purpose is to foster the community by sustaining and integrating open-source technologies such as Kubernetes and orchestrating containers as part of a microservices architecture.

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Authorised partner

An authorised partner of Docker, we're trusted to implement their technology and teach best practices to our clients. They consider YLD among those that represent the benchmark of quality in terms of implementation of their technology.

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Founding Member

YLD was one of the founding members of the Node.js Foundation, and instrumental in creating the ecosystem of the Node.js platform, while maintaining a collaborative environment that benefits all.

Find us

London - HQ

9 Dallington Street



+44(0) 203 514 4678



Rua Ramalho Ortigão 8

3º Esquerdo




Rua Sá da Bandeira 819

2º Esquerdo

