Design Systems

​​Design Systems are the heart of every project, enabling teams to innovate and deliver quickly and consistently, building the backbone for effective collaboration across the entire organisation.

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Why use a Design System?


A toolkit of universal and standardised guidelines and components optimise  workflows and create a consistent user experience. 


Ideate, build, test, ship and iterate features efficiently by automating the trivial parts of product development, so your teams can get creative where it really matters. 

Lean collaboration

Engineers and designers have a shared language streamlining their collaboration and workflows, and facilitating collaboration. 

Design Systems
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Why we work with Design Systems

A Design System consists of standards, guidelines and re-usable components that give every team the tools they need to design, build, grow and maintain digital products.

Establishing infrastructure

A Design System optimises your team’s operational processes by defining how they collaborate and feed into each other's work; systematising the approach to information distribution; and establishing clear rules of governance.

Setting up standards

We help you establish high-level principles that serve as the foundation of your Design System and provide direction from an early stage.

Building out assets

Reusable components reduce design-and-tech-debt and speed up production. By enabling teams to expand and improve componentized assets, the Design System frees up resources to do creative and innovative work, as well as creating more opportunities for collaboration.

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Upcoming Design Systems events

It looks like there currently aren’t any upcoming Design Systems events. You can always check back again later or get in touch if you are interested in potentially hosting one.

Blog posts

Design Systems articles created by members of YLD for the community.

Find us

London - HQ

9 Dallington Street



+44(0) 203 514 4678


Rua Ramalho Ortigão 8

3º Esquerdo




Rua Sá da Bandeira 819

2º Esquerdo

